Wednesday, March 21

Who the next leader of jakarta????

"It's not easy to find a leader who can manage Jakarta. Takes a strong leader, decisive, and courageous." Speech of President Sukarno, 28 April 1966, the inauguration as Governor of Jakarta Ali Sadikin already made clear that his leadership qualities of a Governor of Jakarta.
At that time, many urban problems, such as water shortages, corruption, crime, litter, and the flood, still haunt Jakarta. President Sukarno dreamed of all these problems disappear and Jakarta have become the pride of the world. For this reason, the figure of the leader of a hard, firm, and brave a requirement.
After that, six times Jakarta had changed leaders. Jakarta was the hope of making known to the world successfully. Unfortunately, contrary to the stature Jakarta imagined. Now, the world is already familiar with Jakarta as the city flooded, traffic, and criminal. The question now, what kind of leadership figures who become ideal citizens?


This time the post of "Indonesia Could Be a New Problem For Asia". Various world leaders and economic leaders hailed the success of Asia came in various fields, especially economics. Various countries are also competing to strengthen their influence in Asia, not least the United States.But progress in Asia is not without blemish. Some countries such as China and India, two countries most advanced in Asia, is threatened if disturbed development can not meet the expectations of society.
In addition, the chances of open conflict between countries in Asia are the largest in the world. That is why an expert on politics and the U.S. economy, Lex Reiffer, said that Asia is the biggest threat to world peace.
Indonesia as a developing country - was heralded as the government - did not impress Lex. Data is the data apparent progress, the actual state, Indonesia so poor resources.

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